Pull Up Assist Bands Set & Single

Pull up bands set which offers great value to perform the most effective workouts with the Best Pull Up Assist Bands. This pulls up band set is made with tight layers of rubber that won’t break or deform under stress. Achieve your fitness goals and start seeing lasting results by using these Pull up Bands. You are not limited to the room or gym exercise. You can always find time in a busy day for a workout, exercise anywhere you want. In the park, at work, at home, and of course, at the gym. Tuck it into your luggage, briefcase, lunch bag, or purse and say hello to more efficient training. You can use the bands to assist your lifts. Pull up bands set to prevent us from Joint Distraction. Use exercise bands for joint distraction to help separate and allow fluid movement of the joint. The Thicker The Band, The More Assistance It Gives for Pull-ups.

Intent Sports band set Highly Recommend to buy several different sizes so that you have them Handy as your skills improve. Pull up Bar Bands are used by athletes, Cross Fit, and trainers to improve performance, mobility, flexibility, and strength. The professional coaches and powerlifters use these bands for exercises daily. Turn tedious tasks into exciting. Our Team Intent Sport band set is revolutionizing the Fitness and Health market, holding dear to one mission, and that’s to inject a more user-friendly experience fitness without compromising product quality. Order this innovative band set today! And regain your mobility. You need to lower the assistance to account for your new strength, and you also can combine different bands for the most efficient pull-up exercises. The various weight assist bands set to allow each member of your family to "customize" their workouts.
Why its Best Pull Up Resistance Bands
Do you need versatile equipment for various purposes of assisting you in performing your workouts? INTENT SPORTS resistance bands Set can help you with its multifunctional features of assisting as well as giving you a chance to challenge yourself to get stronger, stretch, and complete your competition. Either its pull ups or chin ups, you can use it anyway and anywhere either with a partner or solo. Professionals and beginners can use these bands at home or in the gym.
Intent Sports bands provide users with five professional levels. Ideal for men and women, even for teenagers interested in the workout. Professionals and beginners can use it at home or the gym. Several exercises can be performed Intent Sports resistance bands, from assisting you in completing some movements like pull-ups to challenging yourself and make the changes more difficult.
Intent Sports Band Set of 5 comes with its carry bag that can be used as a backpack to keep your set of bands organize. Also, you will receive a comprehensive workout eBook with the most common exercises that can be performed with our resistance bands.
Resistance Band Best Benefits
- Overall Fitness - Intent Sports resistance bands are a "must-have" for your gym bag no matter where you are in your fitness journey. Use this Pull up assist band for ring dips, assisted muscle-ups, push up resistance, and mobility/stretching assistance.
- Pull-Ups or Chin-Ups - Our pull up assistant band will exclude plenty of the bodyweight to be able to complete a pull-up/chin-up and consistently ineffective assistance changing bands. Also, the Intent Sports pull up chin-up assist band can be used to do more repetitions after full bodyweight pull-up/chin-up.
- Stretch and Mobility - The Intent Sports bands can help you with your mobility training. Stretch your hamstrings, your arm, and shoulder muscles—warm-up with them before your exercise and stretch with them after.
- Multipurpose - These bands are perfect for men and women learning pull-ups, chin-ups, ring dips, and muscle-ups. They are perfect for increasing muscle memory and getting you to do those kipping pull-ups and strict pull-ups in no time. They can also be used for a challenging powerlifting session.
- Ready To Go – The lightweight yet rugged elastic pull up bands offer complete portability and takes up less storage space, fitting comfortably in the carry bag or gym locker.
- Varying Resistance – 5 colors of bands with five levels of resistance to select. Resistance written directly on band, no more guessing.

Who Can Benefit From Using These Bands?
These pull up assist bands are ideal for men and women learning new movements like chin-ups, pull-ups, muscle-ups, and ring dips. They are versatile that you can use for any type of exercise.
Material: Natural Latex
What’s In The Box: 5 Pull up assist band, Carrying Bag, Ebook, and Guide book.
What size resistance band for pull-ups:
- Green: 81.9 x 1.7 x 0.2 inch/14.5 oz /50-125 lbs
- Purple: 81.9 x 1.3 x 0.2 inch/9.5 oz/40-80 lbs
- Black: 81.9 x 0.9 x 0.2 inch/6.7 oz/30-60 lbs
- Red: 81.9 x 0.5 x 0.2 inch/4.2 oz/10-35 lbs
- Yellow: 81.9 x 0.25 x 0.2 inch/2.12 oz/5-10 lbs
They can be stretch and repeatedly stretched year after year and are made from natural latex material which is kind to the environment. Our stretch resistance bands offer effective strength-training. Work out your arms, back, shoulders, legs, and Butt all at once with powerlifting bands, perfect for functional loop, yoga, and physical therapy to help strengthen torn ligaments or muscles. Heavy-duty resistance bands are even used for most muscle rehabilitation, and usually, do not require a partner to support you. Shop this and other fitness equipment today.
- Suitable for all fitness levels
- Five resistance band set
Why Use Pull Up Assist Band for Workout?
The amount of assistance offered by the pull-up band depends on its thickness. The thicker the resistance band is, the more resistance it will offer.
A thicker band will provide the best assistance and resistance while you are performing pull-ups. Selecting the right type of pull up band for your workout depends on your body weight. Usually, the resistance level of an assist band is matched with the body weight. The key is that you select the one that is perfect for your body weight.
Calorie Burner with Resistance Bands:
These pull up bands pack helps to shred body weight so that you can complete a pull-up, and gradually you will need less assisted pull up bands. Pull up Assistive band Strengthens Your Back. Improves Your Everyday Strength, Increases Your Stability, And Improves Your Grip Strength. Pull-ups bands can engage and strengthen nearly your entire upper body through the simple motion of pulling yourself up to the pull up bars. It can effectively reduce the fat in the arms, legs, and waist. These pull up assist bands generating enough tension during the workout, help you in building, toning, and gaining muscle for your legs, thigh, butt. Intent Sports exercise bands set can be stretch and stretched repeatedly and are made user friendly.
Intent Sports pull up assist band set can be used for assisting you in many exercises. Following are some exercises you can perform with assistive bands;
Squats with Resistance Bands:
Pull up assist bands are the best alternative to heavy exercise equipment. You can perform band squats with the best band set in a few steps. Place the band on the floor and stand in the center of it. Pick each end of the band in your hands and stand straight. Lower down your body and stand up again. Repeat it again and again. You can increase the challenge by reducing band length between your hands and feet.
Leg Press:
Place one assist band around each shoulder and Under the opposite foot. Bend your knees to bring them close to your chest. It is your starting position. Now stretch out your leg straight such that you feel full extension. Maintain a constant tension in the band and try to loop the band around your feet to increase your challenge.
Chin up assistant band will remove plenty of the bodyweight to be able to complete a chin-up, and gradually use less assistance changing bands. Work out your arms, back, shoulders, legs, and Butt all at once with powerlifting bands, perfect for functional loop, pull-ups, and physical therapy to help strengthen torn ligaments or muscles.
This exercise works on your Upper Back, Biceps and Shoulders. To perform this workout, loop a pull up assist band around a pull-up bar and pull it tight While the other end is bent around your knee or foot. Grasp the bar with hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Pull yourself up until your chin crosses the pull-up bar. Pulling through elbows contract your back with head and eyes straight forward. Lower the body until you are in the starting position.
Assisted Ring Dips:
Assisted ring dips is the perfect exercise for building Chest, Triceps, Anterior Deltoids, and Lat muscles. To perform this exercise make sure you are in a correct position at a good distance from rings. Secure the band on one ring and make a loop around your thumb and forefinger. With a secure grip.on rings, place on the knee on the band, and jump upto a ring hold. Now bring your legs together and pull the sternum towards your navel point while you bring your arms alongside your thighs. Engage the lat muscles in this position. Slowly dip your body until your biceps touch the top of the rings. Press straight back and repeat the exercise for few times.
Cross Fit Pull Up bands:
These bands are lightweight yet strong enough to bear stretch repeatedly. The material of Intent Sports pulls up bands lower their risk of breakage. No matter it's squatting, or pushing, you can safely perform your workouts at high intensity. Its stretch allows you to perform cross fits more quickly and safely. Either its Burpees, Deadlifts, or Mountain Climbers you feel free to perform your workouts with pull up assist band.
Benefits of Best Pull Up Bands
There are many benefits of pull up assist bands, and some of these include:
- Practice: Using a pull up assist bands while executing your reps allows you to focus your complete attention on your training. A well-performed pull is far better than repeating a hundred reps incorrectly. As this workout involves upper body muscle in execution, performing it with an incorrect practice can result in the wrong outcome. Pull up assist band helps in making it easier for the users to lift themselves against the pull-up bar while perfecting the practice.
- Pressure: Using the best pull up band relieves the pressure on your lower back when you are performing the workout. Since you are using most of the upper body in completing the exercise, the pressure of your body weight will automatically fall on your lower body.
- Lift-off: This part of the workout usually is what gives novices a hard time when trying their hands-on this workout. At the beginning of the pull, one needs to engage the muscles of the upper back. Also, your biceps are doing most of the work, so getting these muscles to pull your body for the first time is pretty daunting; this is where the best pull up assist bands to come in, the stretch of the band makes sure that you do not face any issue in your pull; this is necessary until you reach that point where you complete your reps without any support from pull up assist bands.